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Promotional Codes

Learn how to create and use promo codes to offer discounts and measure marketing success.

Isaac Buchanan avatar
Written by Isaac Buchanan
Updated over a week ago

What are promotional codes?

Promotional codes are unique codes that can be generated to give a user some form of discount at checkout. They are valuable to businesses who want to measure marketing spend, reduce discounting and simplify their membership plan selection.

You can measure marketing spend success by running offers and using different codes in each channel that you promote on, at the end of each campaign checking to see which channel converted the most sales via code usage.

You can reduce discounting by only offering sale prices to leads that have seen your marketing material rather than discounting standard rates for all to see.

You can greatly reduce the number of membership plans you need to set up in your system by creating discount codes for the standard offers you provide e.g provide a seniors rate of 20% off. Rather than create a senior membership at a lower price, just create a code for them to purchase the standard membership at a lower price.

Create a promotional code

Navigate to Marketing > Promotions in Gymflow and click ‘Add Promotion’ on the top right-hand side of the screen to get started.

Follow the wizard to set up your first code taking careful consideration of the following areas:

Discount Type

Understanding how discounts are applied is key to ensuring you get the desired outcome:

  • Upfront discounts: Applied to the total of the first payment made at the time of purchase.

  • Recurring discount: Applied to the first (or more) scheduled payments only.


When setting up a promotion we recommend setting some usage limits, although this is not compulsory. The following limitations are available:

  • Specific item: Restricts code usage to only one item, best used when offering a generic discount e.g 20% off, so it cant be applied to other services.

  • Per User: How many times an individual user can redeem it, when offering free trials it's recommended to apply a limit of 1 per user.

  • Total: This makes the code invalid after it's been used the number of times you specify, good for offers like "limited to the first 10 customers"


You can tag a code as part of a trial purchase, anyone using this code to make a purchase will be automatically added as a lead in Gymflow and be assigned to the Trial status of your sales pipeline.

This is a great way to ensure you have a follow-up list and know who is currently on trial and should be followed up.

Using a code

Promo codes can be used anywhere the payments checkout is located, this includes:

  • Website pages

  • Members App

  • Members Portal

  • Staff Portal

The discount will be automatically reflected when applied and the saving highlighted to the user making the purchase.

Tracking code usage

Every promotional code has a counter to show how many times its been redeemed. You can view the counter on the Marketing > Promotions page.

You can also see a list of users who have redeemed specific codes, to do this navigate to the Users page and apply the promotions filter.

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