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Write off an overdue invoice

Write off an overdue or upcoming membership payment.

Isaac Buchanan avatar
Written by Isaac Buchanan
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes you may need to write off a membership payment if a member has been overdue for a while and it's clear payment will not be made.

It's important to write off unrecoverable payments so they dont still on your accounts receivable report, maintain a clean accounts receivable report is key to tracking your non paying members.

An overdue payment can only be written off if the membership is cancelled so before proceeding please cancel the membership.

Once cancelled to write off the payment follow these steps:

  1. Search the user and click to access their profile

  2. Navigate to the users Payments tab

  3. Find the past due invoice and click Write Off

After a payment has been written off it will be removed from your accounts receivable report and instead show on your write off's report.

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