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Create Your Class Types

Create your class options that you will add to your schedule.

Isaac Buchanan avatar
Written by Isaac Buchanan
Updated over 7 months ago

Before you schedule a class, you must first create it as a class type in Settings > Classes. This allows you to standardise the name and description for constancy on your schedule.

Class names and descriptions are customer facing so it's best practice to write exciting descriptions as potential customers will be able to read these on your website or mobile app before booking.

Create Your Class Types

To create a class type:

  1. Head to Settings and Classes

  2. Click + Class

  3. Fill out the form and hit Save

When selecting the class category, this dictates what category of credit is required to book the class. You should ensure that the class packs you are selling are the same category as the classes you want them to book. To learn more see the credit pack overview.

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