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Cancel A Class

Learn how to cancel a class.

Isaac Buchanan avatar
Written by Isaac Buchanan
Updated over 6 months ago

Sometimes you may want to cancel a class due to low attendance or trainer availability issues.

How to cancel a class

  1. Head to the Calendar

  2. Click on the class you would like to cancel

  3. Click the cancel class button on the bottom of the window

  4. If the class is part of a series you can choose to cancel all or just this occurrence

When you cancel a class, all credits deducted for the class are automatically returned to the customers.

Notify Class Participants

There are two ways to notify class participants of the cancellation:

  1. If you have the "Event Cancelled" notification on the system will email all participants to let them know automatically.

  2. Prior to cancelling the class you can use the "Email All" button to write a custom email to your participants.

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