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Block Facility Time

Learn how to block facilities for add hoc times.

Isaac Buchanan avatar
Written by Isaac Buchanan
Updated over a week ago

What Is Blocked Time

Form time to time you may want to use one of your facilities instead of making it available for booking. For this you can block days or times that you dont want it be available which will override your regular availably.

Staff Portal

To block time in the Staff Portal:

  1. Log in with your staff account at

  2. Go to Settings and the Facilities tab.

  3. Find the facility you want and click Availability

  4. Select the Blocked Time tab and add then + Block Time (in the top right).

  5. Input your date or time and select Save.

You can also block time directly from the Calendar:

  1. Head to the Calendar page

  2. Switch to Facilty view

  3. Click the dropdown below your name and click Block Time

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